International Curriculum In Fine Arts

Dall’a.a. 2018/2019 Accademia Unidee collabora con ArtEZ – Academy of Arts, Accademia di Arnhem – NL – sul programma di internazionalizzazione della didattica Engaging Europe, svolto in co-tutela.
Obiettivo del progetto è costruire un curriculum totalmente internazionale in cui sia possibile svolgere un corso triennale riconosciuto in Arti Visive a cavallo tra Italia e Olanda.

Per il momento il progetto è in una fase pilota: si può partecipare ad alcuni progetti intensivi se si è studenti di Accademia Unidee (iscritti al corso di Arti Visive) oppure se si è studenti dell’Accademia ArtEZ. Non è ancora possibile ottenere un bachelor internazionale.

Ogni anno Accademia Unidee promuove i progetti del Curriculum Internazionale attraverso il sito e i canali social.
Se sei interessato a partecipare a uno o più di questi progetti non esitare a scriverci!

Attualmente il Curriculum Internazionale in Fine Arts si compone di tre progetti annuali:

1st year: Bootcamp (10 days)

The Bootcamp is an immersive experience aiming at discovering Cittadellarte and Accademia Unidee experience and questioning each student’s own artistic practice.
During an intense 10-days course, the students explore how art may connect society and experiment contemporary tools and ideas of engaged art.

2nd and 3rd year: Socially Engaged Art Project (6 weeks – 8 ECTS)

Every year in September- October Accademia Unidee welcomes students from ArtEZ and other academies in Europe to work through art practice individually and collectively on a specific contemporary issue.
While tutored by Accademia Unidee’s professors, during the six-week course the students delve into the issue through their practice and experiment how art may be a powerful tool for transforming society.
The final day of the project is dedicated to a public exhibition in Arnhem (NL).
Past years projects:
2018-2019: “One and one makes three”
2019-2020: “What does production have to do with art?”
2020-2021: “Borders / Boundaries

4th year: ARC – Artistic Residency @ Cittadellarte (6 weeks)

The last year of an Art Student’s curriculum is always dedicated to refine their art practice in order to prepare the Final Project / Exam and to cope with the world after the Academy. ARC is an educational project developed by Accademia Unidee aiming at helping final year’s students in delving into their own individual practice but also negotiating it with the Other. During the six week immersive experience, the students have the chance to work on their own and collectively but also to discuss their practice with accademia Unidee professors and to go deep into each one’s individual research by connecting with scholars, stakeholders, artists, curators and researchers working on similar fields. Through this experience students have an individual studio and a program based on authonomy and responsibility. A “residency program” as education itself.
A public program of conferences and lectures is also offered. Recent topics discussed in the previous editions (depending on the students’s researches): postcolonialism, extractivism, feminism, antispecism, art and nature, social engagement, minimalism, art and psychology, contemporary classical music, politics, climate change…
An open studio with local artists, curators and collectors is always organized at the end of the course.